I. Explanation:

Students under the age of 15 years old will receive what is called a “Poom Certificate” when they achieve 1st Degree Black Belt. Students above the age of 15 years old will receive a “Dan Certificate” when they achieve 1st Degree Black Belt.

​A student can achieve 1st Poom, then 2nd Poom, then 3rd Poom under the age of 15 years old. Then, when the student turns 15 years old, he or she can simply convert the Poom to the equal rank, Dan.

​So for example, A 12-year-old having 2nd Degree “Poom Certificate”, will be a 2nd Degree “Dan Certificate” when he or she turns 15 years old.
If a child achieves 4th Poom Black Belt, then that student will need to wait till they turn 18 years old to convert that 4th Poom to a 4th Dan.

II. Purpose:

The Check Poom/Dan Database is an excellent tool for confirming and verifying Dan information on registered members.

The use of the database is self-explanatory as given below:

  • Click Here to Check For Poom/Dan Database.
  • To use it, you must enter Dan registration information exactly into the Kukkiwon Database labeled cells: Name/PoomDan Number, Nationality, and Date of birth.
  • Click the button to activate the database search engine.
  • The database will show search results on the name or number that was entered with the following return: Name, Current Poom/Dan, Poom/Dan number and Date of Issuance.
  • Clear the database return.

A figure of Check Poom/Dan Database

check poom/dan

Note:- If no results are returned it means there was incorrect data, spelling, or the registration does not exist.

To apply for the black belt ​Click Here

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